นพ. ภัทร วิริยะบัณฑิตกุล M.D. ABAARM
About Doctor
- Mini Management in Lifestyle Medicine the Preventive Medicine association of Thailand
Class of 2023 Bangkok, Thailand - Diploma in Sexual Medicine,Thammasat University
Class of 2022 Bangkok, Thailand - American Board of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine
Class of 2021 Chicago, Illinois, USA - Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine Chulalongkorn University
Class of 2016 Bangkok, Thailand - Member of IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations)
- Participated in annual EAMSCs (East Asian Medical Students’ Conferences) during medical years.
- 2013 – 26th EAMSC in Japan (Disaster Medicine: Transition from emergency care to routine/long-
term medical care in the context of overall health recovery and development.) - 2011 – 24th EAMSC in Thailand (Adolescent health: Embrace the Future, Better the World.)
- 2013 – 26th EAMSC in Japan (Disaster Medicine: Transition from emergency care to routine/long-
- Participated in 9th Asian Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2013 as a liaison for international delegates.
- Attended 30th Asian Medical Students’ Conference in Taiwan 2009 (Stigmatized illness) as a general delegate.
- Participated in FTW (Face the World) organization as a foreign exchange student in Mackay high school
in Idaho, the United States of America during September 2006-May 2007.
Junior high school diploma
VAANAA LONGEVITY CENTER Anti-aging physician June 2023-Present
Anti-aging physician February 2022-Present
Anti-aging physician November 2020-Present
Samitivej Airport Clinic June 2017-May 2023
(Suvarnabhumi International Airport)
Anti-aging physician June 2021-November 2021
General practitioner December 2019-December 2022
Department of Emergency Medicine June 2019-March 2020
Department of Laboratory Medicine June 2017-May 2019
- Lecturer of the academic reviews for medical technologists in the Department of Laboratory Medicine regarding POCT, cardiac enzymes and basic life support procedures
- Facilitated case discussion sessions in topics regarding endocrinology and hematology for 2nd and 3rd year medical students.
- Instructor in the POCT (Point-of-care testing) glucose and arterial blood gas training program for 4th year medical students and nurses at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital (13rd– 15th June 2018)
- Participated in creating teaching VDO clips: Capillary puncture, POCT glucose quality control and case studies.
General practitioner June 2016-May 2017
- Worked in 6 major departments: OB-GYN, Surgery, Internal medicine, Pediatrics, Orthopedics and Emergency medicine.
- Participated in EMS (Emergency Medical Service) competition 2017 held by NIEM (the National Institute for Emergency Medicine) as a delegate physician from Samut Songkhram province.
- English instructor in the special training program for medical staffs (February-April 2017)
- Languages: Thai (Native), English (Excellent), Mandarin Chinese (Good)
- Activities: Music (Guitar), Photography
- Computer Skills: Microsoft word, Microsoft power point, Microsoft excel and iMovie.